Have a look at all the amazing communities we have at Ahold Delhaize
Female Alliance Network
FAN is an inclusive and fun network to inspire and support women in their leadership, thereby strengthening diversity & inclusion. FAN is also committed to taking concrete actions to achieve its goals: building a network where people help each other, creating moments to share ideas and improving the working environment for women at Delhaize. But FAN is not just for women. To be truly inclusive, we also need men who are willing to support greater diversity. Everyone is welcome!
Ahold Delhaize Pride
Ahold Delhaize Pride is a proud group of colleagues who are committed to all LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) people within our organization and anyone else who has an affinity for this. We want to create a place where people can find each other to talk about LGBTQ+ diversity and inclusion.
Make it Count
For Ahold Delhaize associates in the Netherlands, who care about our local communities and the environment, and want to give back, Make It Count is a community network that stimulates to do volunteer work and inspires to engage with the local communities and environment to improve social and environmental awareness. Sign up and join the community!
AD Pride CZ
In Albert Pride we want to work on awareness of the topic, offer a membership to everyone and support LGBT+ Pride Community in Albert without differences in age, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation etc. Albert Pride will provide active support to everyone who is in need of it and we want to be -Albert for all-.
Lion Pride
Lion Pride is a diverse group of likeminded colleagues seeking to build on the core foundations of Delhaize and the LGBTQIA+ community. It is our goal to offer a safe space, sense of belonging and connection within our organization. At Lion Pride we believe in creating and maintaining a workplace where you can be yourself regardless of preferences, gender or gender expression or anything else that makes you yourself.