event info
  • calendar_todayFriday Oct. 18, 2024, 10 a.m.
  • calendar_todaySaturday Oct. 19, 2024, 11 a.m.
  • wc0/30 spots available
  • buildYAD BE
  • Full

Bouter Cheese Visit & One-night stay in Inntel hotel Zaandam

Hi Lions!

We have some exciting news to share with you!

We are invited to visit one of our strategic partners in Netherlands : Bouter Cheese. 

And we even have more exciting news, you dont need to take the day off! It's confirmed by our SVP Ilya!

As we are very understanding of the fact that it will be a long drive, we can offer you a one-night stay in our partner hotel, including a fancy 3-course dinner there!

After, for people who would like to visit Amsterdam, we can take a short train ride there ( this activity will be independently from the weekend itself).

So what is in for you :

- Supplier visit including lunch.

- Dinner 

-One-night stay at hotel ( Inntel hotel Zaandam)


More information about the day planning & menu of the evening coming soon!!

Important : If you cancel last min, you will need to pay 50 EUR. 

Ps. Dont forget to check the nice amenities the hotel has to offer!

See you soon!

YD board
